We would like to invite you to the final project workshop of international research project "BiOxySorb – Economic low carbon power production and emissions control for future and flexible biomass co-fired power stations" within the scope of the RFCS Research Program of the European Commission. The main topic of the activity is enhancing the efficiency and environmental performance of coal fired power stations through biomass co-firing and employing dry sorbent injection for efficient emission control under air oxy-fuel combustion conditions. This provides an opportunity to ensure a low carbon emission future of coal fired power plants while concurrently demonstrating new options for their flexible adaption of emission control to varying fuel qualities, load changes and stricter emission limitations.
Substantial results achieved are with respect to oxy-fuel combustion, biomass co-combustion, and biomass co-milling, as well as for dry sorbent injection technologies. The major focus was on the impact of those techniques on boiler performance, emissions abatement, and fly ash quality. Experimental investigations were performed in pilot scale and at a large-scale research pulverized fuel boiler. Presentations at the conference will include results of the project.
BiOxySorb Final Workshop
Date: 22nd – 23rd November
Place: Internationales Begegnungszentrum (IBZ)
University Stuttgart
Robert-Leicht-Strasse 161
70569 Stuttgart (Vaihingen)
The workshop will be free of charge. The number of participants will be limited to 40 persons. Participants’ should register for the Workshop, Tuesday evening dinner (free of charge, except alcoholic drinks), and the Excursion sperarately until 11.11.2016. We will confirm the registration by e-mail. You will receive your ticket at the conference office.
Registration Form
BiOxySorb Final Workshop-Flyer
BiOxySorb Final Workshop- Agenda